Angelia (angeliatay) wrote,

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Tummy Taut

Just realised tummy will never ever be as taut and tight as it is now!! My tummy had always been a problem area [same as my sis I believe] and it's always been flabby, even though I'm quite slim and petite in size.

Now that I'm preggy.. gawd! My tummy feels so stretched and tight!! It is especially interesting when Baby Aidan decides to kick or elbow from within. It's like having a little alien in ur tummy [heheh now I know how Sigourney Weaver feels]. One minute..tummy's all nice and rounded and the next..jab!, u can see something poking from under the skin and it moves about at times..from the left to the right side of the tummy or vertically up & down my tummy. Sometimes, hubby likes to just lie by my side and observe my tummy. He says that it's really fun & interesting to see all those weird protrusions on my stomach and he will hum the tune of Jaws whenever he sees the outline of the baby's elbow/feet moving about..*Sigh* Sometimes, I think hubby's still a little baby!

Oh yeah...pretty pissed at something. There's an article in this week's 8 Days about Kevin's [from The Amazing Race 1] visit to Singapore.The author of the article writes that the 'meet the fans' gathering for Kevin was especially arranged by AXN!!! BAH!!..Trust AXN, especially the promo guy Dinesh for claiming credit! Firstly, it was not a Kevin-meet fans gathering..rather, it was a get-together for fans of TAR to watch the latest episode together with Kevin. The get-together was totally NOT arranged by AXN and what happened was that they heard about it from Kevin himself and he invited himself along. When he heard that it was gonna be at my place, he called me [just one day before the gathering] and told me that he's coming and bringing along a camera man etc. Sheesh! The audacity of that guy to claim credit. Actually, this gathering would not have happened if not for Ai Lin, who is a great fan of Kevin. She managed to get some fans of The Amazing Race [& Kevin] and got the whole thing together in a short time. e_rambler and I have already expressed our dissatisfaction here.

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