Angelia (angeliatay) wrote,

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am home :)

taken at Lan Kwai Fong with a bunch of England fans obviously :)

I'm back :) All shopped out and extremely sore.. Arrived home just after midnight today and the li' one was sound asleep of coz...First thing I did was to step on the scales :P..I was so convinced that I had lost some weight becuz i walked so much in HK and didn't really indulge in food but I'd actually gained 1.5kg!!! kua kua!

Had a great time in HK! I think it really helped to have someone 'localised' --> Mongmeganmacy to bring me around. Am sure that if I'd just came with hubby, we would have taken cabs everywhere and visit only the touristy spots! Mong knew where the great buys were and took me around the island just to shop! Shopping in HK was fab! Lotsa good buys! Again, I bought loads of stuff for Aidan and also couldn't resist buying some pretty li' girl dresses for my pals' daughters. Oh..and the service in HK was actually quite good! So much better than those deplorable sales pple/waiters in Singapore. Even with their limited knowledge of English, they tried to assist me as much as possible. And I'm not just referring to my experience in boutiques..I had the same kinda treatment in those small roadside shops too!

Singapore in red :P</small>

We went to the HK 7s on Saturday only..and we were just in time to watch Singapore play against Korea !! What was great about the crowd was that they supported and cheered the underdogs most of the time so Singapore got a tremendous response when they scored. And the announcer had to inform the entire stadium that it was Singapore's first and only try of the tournament (how embarrassing :P). Before that, Singapore lost to Argentina and France with the same scoreline - 0-48! In the end, Singapore was trounced by Korea by a whopping huge margin of abt 45-5 (yeah..Singapore didn't even manage to convert)! But it was all in good fun I guess..At least Singapore got to play with Argentina who was 2nd in the tournament. England won the HK 7s in case anyone's interested.

That night, we went to Lan Kwai Fong with Mong and her hubby Edward. and I think so did all the ruggers and their supporters. The place was jammed pack with people and it was really happening!! Everyone was partying like mad and inbibing like crazy and basically having a good time!! It was almost like mardi gras..People were dressed up in costumes and had their face painted! Loved the atmosphere...the buzz was great! Had never experienced anything like that in Singapore before but of coz, I'd not partied for a while already. Hubby and I enjoyed ourselves tremendously and it brought back memories of our 'clubbing' days :)

We had a girls nite out on Thursday night at LKF and it wasn't that crowded then...

From left : Anita mflurry, Tracey claudiacheng, Mongmeganmacy and moi...

Haven't uploaded all the pics yet coz hubby is using the pc and everything's there...will probaby do it tomorrow :)

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