And this morning, when I checked my email, I saw that
Thanks Diana and bf of Felicia for that 'transformation' of Aidan. This was the effect I'd wanted to achieve but failed miserably. Darn..i should really learn how to use photoshop :D..
Okay..I promise this will be the last of costumes-themed entries till Halloween.. D
Met with Hsien
It's interesting...thru livejournal, I've gotten to know people that I probably won't have met if I didn't have this journal. And when I meet with most of them, we usually don't have that awkwardness that usually occurs when one meets for the first time. I guess we've been reading about each other's journals and so, it does feel like we know one another quite well already.
So..Hsien 'opened' her place to a few of us moms Rachel

Didn't manage to take many pics of the kids in action..so I only have these to show..

Moi and Aidan with Hsien

Lj mummies :D
It's not easy to get me outta bed ...especially since I tend to sleep late most of the time. Usually, Aidan's the one who wakes me up in the morning. Most of the time, he'll be happy to play on his own till he realises that he's hungry & wants to be fed immediately. What he used to do was to tug at my sleeves or teeshirt or goes to the door and bang on it loudly..
Recently, he found a more effective method that guarantees that I wake up immediately. He'll climb onto me and sit on my face. So imagine what it was like when he did that after he's pooped into his diapers. Eeewww..definitely sent me scrambling outta my bed to change him. Thank gawd he had pjs on..
Heh..kinda gross eh :P..
Visited my dad yesterday evening after having dinner with my bro and his wifey..Dad hasn't seen Aidan for a while and so when he saw him, he was 'amazed' and said that Aidan's looks has changed.. that his features seems more 'feminine'(?) and is much cuter now coz his eyes are brighter & bigger and his chin more pointed.. Hmmm....
So I asked dad who Aidan resembles now..He used to say Aidan was a split-image of hubby. Dad scrutinised both of us and pointed at me *yeah*~~
Happy like a bird :D..
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