Had the mommies and kiddies over at my place yesterday.. It was a blast!! Aidan had loads of fun playing/shoving/bullying/being bullied/blabbering away with the other kids and I think he enjoyed himself the mostest in the pool. The kiddy pool at my place is extremely shallow [it reaches up to jus under his armpits] so 80cm tall Aidan could actually 'walk' around in the pool like an 'astronaut'. All the kids were wading throught the pool comfortably and climbing all over the wet playground. And it was the best time to be in the water coz the weather's been so humid and hot lately and thus the pool water was nicely warmed up and us, nicely cooled down. Such a pity that I couldn't videotape the kids in the pool 'coz I had to stay close to Aidan. All the li' ones were having such a good time splashing the water with huge grins on their faces. It's always such a great feeling to see our kids enjoy themselves :)
Most of them stayed for dinner as the hubbies joined in and we let the kids play till quite late. Aidan didn't want to sleep at his usual time and kept on walking out of his room even after his night milk..So we let him stay up longer to play with the other kids. After they left at about 10+pm, he looked a li' sad that there was no one to play with him anymore and so he then promply went to bed...just in time for me to catch American Idol.
Both of us were so exhausted by the day's' activity that we woke up at 12 noon today! Oops..the li' one is beginning to adopt the same sleeping pattern as his mommy...
The mommies with kiddies in the pool :)
Videos taken yesterday :)
1)@the playground
2)Of the kids
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