token pic of animal..
A hot & bothered Aidan, staring at the kangaroo
Finally fell asleep..with cheeks flushed and sweat drenched hair..
pretty li' Chloe..
getting ready to watch the elephants..
cute Tiffany enjoying the cool water..
watching the fountain
Aidan acting cool..
eh..not a good pic but the only one of us in the water...
Yeah..we were very brave!! We brought our kids to the zoo even when everyone was trying hard to stay cool indoors. Foolhardy, adventurous or just a case of itchy backside..I don't know :P
Oh the way to the zoo in the cab, Aidan puked [again] *sigh*. Both times in a moving vehicle. Am pretty sure it's a case of motion sickness. Thankfully, he ate a while back so there wasn't much to vomit ..most landed on me and and not much on the seat of the cab. Still felt really paiseh but the cabdriver was quite calm considering what had happened. I had a spare tee to change into and Gywnne lent me a pair of shorts belonging to her son (I only brought an extra tee for Aidan).
Well, needless to say, it was freaking hot at the zoo! Initially, Aidan was still eagerly looking out for the animals but after a while, he started to get drowsy which wasn't surprising because he usually naps in the afternoon. He became quite flustered because of the heat and kept on rubbing his eyes and his face was all flushed and his hair drenched with his perspiration. Thankfully we could seek shelter in those aircon-enclosed areas. He finally slept and woke up when we were on the way to the children's area where the wet playground was ...and the kids had fun there of coz :)
Am a li' little worried though coz we'll be going to Hong Kong this Thursday. Hubby isn't coming but my mom-in-law is. And my sis and my mom will be joining us later..Aidan will be tagging along and it's his first plane ride. Am afraid that he may get motion sickness on the plane. Am seriously thinking whether I should get something from the doc to knock him out so that he will sleep thru the plane ride.
Looking forward to bringing Aidan to Ocean Park, Snoopyland, Teddybear Kingdom..and also to go to places which I didn't manage to go the last time (The Peak)..Will most likely be meeting Mong
Just wanna share this conversation I had with a Valueair sales rep.
Me : Can I book tickets for the 21st May from Sing-HK?
VA : Sorry, the flight on the 21st is a women-only flight.
Me : But it's us women only..and one child who's less than 2 years old.
VA : But he's a male. It's a ladies-only flight. Child or no child.
Me (jokingly) : Hmm..if I dress him up as a girl and let him wear a wig, will u let me buy the ticket and board the plane..
VA : ..........*breathe in* ..So, would u like to book tickets on the 20th or 22nd instead?
hee..oh well, at least I tried. Am taking Valueair because the infant fare is only SGD60. The other airlines are charging abt SGD240 for the infant fare and SGD280 for a child's seat. Well, hoping that the plane won't be full so that we can have the entire row to ourselves...
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