*bleah* ..why is LJ still so erratic??!
The getaway at Bintan was great! No sign of the haze at all....nice warm weather, beautiful beach, good food, spacious hotel room, no mozzies, relaxing massages and a not-too-crowded resort! It was the typical perfect idyllic economical resort holiday :)
Aidan is a pretty good traveller.. I still don't understand. He's fine on the plane and in the ferries..even when the water's kinda choppy (I turned green and my tummy did a somersault)..But the li' bugger just snuggled up to me and zzzed. But he still gets motion sickness in long car-trips at times.
Not surprisingly, Aidan had loads of fun. Everything was a novelty to him as he ran around the hotel grounds gleefully. He was especially enamoured with this huge 'chess area' at the lobby and busied himself moving the pieces about. He was no longer afraid of the sand and was running on the beach and playing with the sea water and throwing bits of sand about.. He loved the pool at the hotel and couldn't bear to leave the water everytime. He's such a water baby. :)
I pampered myself by booking full-body massages at the Asmara Spa@Mayang Sari 2 days in a row.. Hubby joined me on day 1 and we had our massages in a room..and boy, was it unromantic. About 10 minutes into our massage, he started snoring loudy and woke me from my blissful stupour :P The masseuses started giggling away..Thankfully, the massage was relaxing and I managed to doze off again. So I was back at the spa on the 2nd day and man..was it shioks!!
The only grouse I have is that I seem to have gained back some of the weight I've lost *sob*..Damn! Can't believe that I could actually gain like 1.5kg in just 3 days. Bleah!! Ate too much lah! The seafood at the Kelong was so good that we returned there again for lunch on the day of our departure.. *arghh* Back to dieting and exercising during my last week of sahmdom..
munching on the fruit garnish on our welcome drinks..
learning how to play chess~(see how much he's perspiring)
monkeying ard in bed..
my 2 monkeys..
@the Kelong
argh..i look pregnant here..(note, do not take pics after a huge meal)
at the hotel lobby
family pic :)
Some holiday videos to bore u with hehe..
Aidan playing chess :)
On the way to Oleh Oleh Village
The li' one enjoying himself on the beach
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