Firstly, thanks to those who'd smsed/email well-wishes for my first day of work and those others who were worried since I haven't been online for a while..Yes, I'm fine..Just really swamped with lotsa stuff to do and catching up on my zzs.
Man..I've been neglecting my journal.I didn't expect that it was gonna be that tough to manage my 'free time' once I started working....
First week of work was so-so.. 3 days of boring orientation and finally getting down to understanding some of the work processes and starting to do some 'real work'..and attended a media launch party for agencies on Friday evening.. I probably have to go back to work either today or tomorrow to finish up a presentation I was preparing coz it's supposed to be done early morning on Monday. Had problem emailing the file back home coz of it's size and i didn't have time to convert the images in the file into gif so bopienz..
What I'm still not used to is having to wake up so early every morning. Now I realise that being able to wake up late is such a luxury!! After my lunch, my whole brain starts shutting down and I found it so tough to keep awake. And no longer am I that insomniac lady who's able to stay up till 3 am every morning..By about 10pm, I find myself craving for some zzs..I thought I could wake up late today but Aidan has gotten into the habit of waking up early too so this morning at 6.30 am, I found myself woken up by the li' one *yawn*.
I'm quite satisfied with the new maid, Nenita. Initially, Aidan 'rejected' her, refusing to be fed by her and would run away whenever she tried to carry him. But as the week passes, he seems to be more accepting..He started off with accepting fruits and deserts from her and then yesterday, he finally agreed to let her feed him his meal. And now, when he leaves for playschool in the morning, he'll shake her hand (very formal hor) first. Workwise, she's pretty good. Even mom-in-law was quite impressed. My apartment has never been so neat and dust-free before. When I asked her whether she's able to cope with the workload (which I thought was quite abit), she smiled and said one her previous employer had 4 young daughters and they stayed in a large penthouse unit with a huge balcony with a mini-garden. The 4 daughters were apparently quite fussy with food so she has to cook at least 5 dishes in every meal. She said the place was really big so cleaning was really quite tough because after she's done with a room, the daughters would have messed up another and she had to tend to the plants too. She'd stayed with them for abt 4-5 years. The employer before I took her on was an indian family and because they were vegetarian, she could only cook vegetarian meals for them so in that one year she was there, she only had veg and rice for her meals. She said she'd lost a lot of weight while she was working with them. But this employer of her had given her a glowing reference and had nothing but positive stuff to say abt her. He had to let her go because the family was migrating to Australia.
She told me what she's doing here was really not tough and easy to manage..She said that she could handle more stuff. Without me asking her to do so, she'd opened up the kitchen cabinets and wiped all the drawers clean and repacked everything so that it's much neater. She actually found 50 bucks in one of the drawers (I think I'd left it there to pay my part-time maid ages ago) and gave it to me when I came back from work. I like that she has initiative (so far) and doesnt just stick to doing the tasks which I'd drawn up for her. Oh..and her cooking's not bad. Well, it's not restaurant cooking of coz but she's able to handle the usual home-cooked food like steam fish, soya sauce chicken and tasty soups. She said that she knows how to cook chilli crab too. *shioks* Would let her cook it during one of the weekends. It's quite a nice feeling coming home to a clean house and dinner all laid on the table. Not very good for my waist-line though...
I know Aidan's missing me quite abit. When I come back from work, Aidan will run towards me with his hands outstretched..And after that, he'll be stuck to my hips for while, refusing to let go of me. He was never a clingy child before but now, he's like a koala but I understand why. He'll even sit down on the dining table chair next to me and watch me have my dinner, not wanting to leave my side.. Therefore, I'll usually spend the rest of the evening playing with him. And by the time we read him his bedtime story and put him to bed, I'll be so tired that I'll sleep quite soon after that. Not much time to surf the net or watch tv.. Haven't had much time to read my friends' LJ too so I'll take the weekends to catch up on them.
Another thing..I'm so sorry that I haven't had time to consolidate the spree buys. The week before I started work was so hectic coz we had to clear some furnitures in the house coz we had new ones coming in..and I cleared out almost half my wardrobe as I've gave up hopes of ever becoming S size again.. Plus I was busy trying out the playgroups for Aidan. I hope to do it by this weekend. Pls don't kill me okay!
Not surprisingly, I haven't been taking much pics of Aidan either..
Here's some pics though the quality's not too great..
This was how Aidan kept cool during the blackout..
Aidan during one of the trials for the playgroup :)
Eating breakfast with his new friend Javier..
Aidan enjoying the reading session..
Asking this on behalf of my sis. She is looking for a graphic designer who can do communications design. She needs someone to come up with a good logo design first.
The kind of designer someone who can translate ideas, refine them and add his/her own inputs and come up with something quite innovative and strong. She has a tight budget it should preferably be someone who is looking to do something new and interesting but who is willing to quote very reasonable prices for a long term business partnership. i.e. do posters, menus, brochures, etc. Person is required to show previous works and portfolio..
Any of u guys who know of anyone who is able to help her out, please refer them to me. She prefers the designer to be someone based in Singapore though.
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