OMG! What was the designer thinking! She looked awful especially with that cape floating about behind her..bleah! Well, there were some other weird looking gowns like that of Miss Hongkong's
But at least MHK is rather good looking and tall so she made the gown looked better than it should.
Why is it that most of our Miss Singapore end up looking like trannies in the international pageants? I mean..the quality already is quite suspect but man, the styling and makeup make them look even worse.
That's Miss Singapore (left), Miss China (middle) and Miss Hong Kong (right)..Doesn't our girl look a li'..erm fake..
Miss Singapore..extreme left with the other queens from Asia..
I was trying to get the trailer producers to cut a Miss World trailer just showcasing the Asian queens..The completed trailer I received had all the Miss World from the asian countries cept for Singapore *pengz* I was like.."how could you exclude Singapore??! We're Singapore!" The answer I got.."We couldn't due to aesthetic reasons!"They were like..'aiyoh, if I include Miss Singapore's footage, it will mar the look of the trailer! Miss Singapore 's face and voice really CMI!" do I argue with that?
Interesting facts :
When Lisa Huang (our current Miss Singapore World) took part in Miss Chinese International 2002, her vital stats was 32"-22.5"-33.5" and she was 1.66m and she looked like this. She was 19 then. 2 years later, she's now 1.71m (according to her profile on MW). And she definitely wasn't that buxom 2 years ago..!
(here's a bikini pic shot)
It's amazing what 2 years can do! (It didn't do much for me though *sob*)
Oh, and if anyone's interested, Miss Peru was crowned Miss World 2004 :P</a>
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