I haven't been back at the office for the past few days because I was at SPH for orientation..The moving guys had already came in and shifted most of the furnitures and equipment over to Mediacorp and so, the entire area where my department was is now a big empty space..Just couldn't help tearing when I saw the state of the office - this was the place where i'd spent the past few months at, good times with [ex] colleagues and celebratory moments when deals were closed or when we'd achieved good ratings...
Over at the studio, most of the production guys and artistes were there viewing the last few hours of Ch I & Ch U programming. The mood was poignant with most people remininising on how the tv station was started with so much expectations and hope. The tsunami disaster was not forgotten either as a box was passed around for the collection of donations for the victims. I didn't choose to stay on till the New Year as I wanted to spend that time with my family..I just wasn't in the mood to celebrate..
Reached home abt 11plus..waited for midnight and we all gathered at Aidan's bedside & kissed him Happy New Year and watched him sleep..My wish for the New Year is simple..for the year ahead to be a peaceful one.

The empty space where our cubicles used to be..
this was where half of the sales & marketing people sat...

With Shih Chuan and Su Ming
Both will be going over to MCTV..

with Celeste..

Ann Poh..

Ong Ai Leng..
I know I'm fortunate to be one of the few going over to SPH..or that's what everyone at the office has been telling me. The general feeling of the guys who are going to MCTV isn't that positive. Almost all of them will be in Ch U and their impression is that the channel may not last long, especially since the programming has been changed so that it will not clash with Ch 8 and the annoucement that Ch U will be targeted at the PMEB chinese viewers. I mean, come on! Ch U's success was mainly because it was it managed to reach the heartlanders and the young viewers..!
I'm not sure what's it gonna be like at SPH. The culture there is definitely different from Mediaworks but I've met some of my future colleagues and they seem okay. Anyway, currently, what I crave for in a job is stability and I hope I can get that there...
New Year's Day
Woke up early so that we could go for the Zara Sale at Great World City and avoid the crowd. It was actually hubby's idea :) And headed to
Aidan was in such a party mood today. He only slept a li' in the car and woke up the minute we reached there...and the li' boy was so busy prancing around, playing with the toys in the goodybags, bonding with the other kids like Carol (
Happy Birthday Herlene and Heidi :)

Aidan getting ready to party :)


Christopher smiling for the camera..

A shy Herlene..Happy 3 year old girl!

Stephie and her no.3 :)

An impossible task to get Aidan to stay still for the cam..

The girls' cake from Lana's!

Cake time!

Stephie, hubby and her 3 lovely girls..

Li' Heidi and her 2 pals..
