Angelia (angeliatay) wrote,

  • Mood:

OSIM (Oh Shit, It's Monday!)

Kelvin synapseman, Joan, the lovely bridevalska [groom dunno where], Jean alisonrae,moi and Aidan who's beoing Joan..

Unfortunately, this is the only [decent] pic I have in my cam from Joan's & Terence's wedding yesterday..Only took two pics and the other came out blur. What to do..was late for the church wedding :P

Go check out mfluderEugene's blog for more pictures of the wedding (here and here!). If any of you are planning a wedding soon, you should consider hiring him. You'll understand when you see the photos. Wish I knew someone like him when I got married. My wedding day pics were kinda sucky!
Pics from Zouk on Friday

Denise's really gorgeous irl!

Guys from left : Daniel Lim, Mark Zee and Daniel Boey
Moi, Eri (from TNP), my colleague Agnes and Denise

Some of my colleagues came down to help me out that night *thanks babes*
from left : Shear Lin, Denise, Daphne, moi & Grace..

More pics here

Last few days were a mad rush. Had the New Face scouting session at Zouk on Fri night followed by Joan's wedding on Sat morning after which I had to rush down to Wisma for the GSS Shop & Win 'live' event and then back to office to rush out the info and pictures to the various pubs. Didn't finish until 7pm. And even at abt 10pm, the reporter from SUT was still calling me to verify some facts so I was expecting a decent writeup today. To my disappointment, it turned out to be just a 3 liner abt the winner of the car and the story was chucked under a non-SPH GSS event's headline. *bleah*. And they didn't used the pictures I'd sent them even though they'd specifically requested for it.Haven't even checked whether ZB carried the story too since I don't read the paper... Hope TNP won't let me down especially since the reporter called me like 4-5 times today.

Think I'm suffering from some kinda panic anxiety. Haven't been sleeping well recently and even though I'd stayed up late the night before (abt 3-4 am), I'll just somehow wake up early the morning after. And each time,it's like I'm startled out of bed..damn chuah! Can feel my heartbeat racing and the adenaline squeezing my lungs. It also happened during the weekend, like this morning *sigh*. Wonder what's wrong with me..I need a holiday!

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Tags: the new paper new face 2005, weddings

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