Angelia (angeliatay) wrote,

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I'm really impressed with the art school. Am glad that I've enrolled Aidan in this class. He is fitting well and seems to be enjoying himself tremendously...

The class was almost over when I got there as the kids have all submitted their art of the day..Aidan was happy with his car painting and had left it by the wall to dry. But he still wasn't satisfied and wanted to draw more. So the teacher asked him what he had in mind. "Spiderman!" the boy exclaimed! Yes, that's his hero of the moment ever since his grandparents gave him a spiderman VCD. "Easypeasy!", said his teacher. "Draw a small circle and then a bigger one below that circle". The boy listened and followed her instructions accordingly. "Then draw two triangles in the small circle and then do criss-crosses on both circles!". She helped him draw a little spider on the torso and asked him to pick the color himself. Aidan selected the red crayon and filled in the color on his own..He was so delighted with his completed masterpiece and went about showing it off to everyone in class. And also to the cashier at the supermarket and the lady who shared the lift with us...He can't wait for his daddy to come home so that he can show it to him too!

This is his car painting! Check out his mega huge front tyre!

holding on carefully to his spiderman art on the way home..
Tags: art

  • time to celebrate~

    Yeah, it's that time of the year again. Our SPH Marketing Year-End Party which was held last Thursday, where we had to dress according to the…

  • falalalala~

    ♥ all the art pieces Aidan did this month! Aidan was a tad hurt when mom-in-law mistook one of his artwork for a rocket and exclaimed…

  • =)

    Aren't these the scariest looking 3 little pigs you'd ever seen? Check out those claws/talons! But i think the flying li' piggy is kinda cute…

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  • time to celebrate~

    Yeah, it's that time of the year again. Our SPH Marketing Year-End Party which was held last Thursday, where we had to dress according to the…

  • falalalala~

    ♥ all the art pieces Aidan did this month! Aidan was a tad hurt when mom-in-law mistook one of his artwork for a rocket and exclaimed…

  • =)

    Aren't these the scariest looking 3 little pigs you'd ever seen? Check out those claws/talons! But i think the flying li' piggy is kinda cute…