Angelia (angeliatay) wrote,

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The wii-lee family :)

Created our wii mii characters today! After we were done, Aidan insisted on including his ah-gong & ah-ma..dictating to us on how they should look! And he didn't stop there! He then instructed hub to create 2 more characters...
Guess who they are..

Gawd, my arms are aching from too much wii-ing! Hub was complaining too. Actually more so for him because he's been practising on the sly. He actually spent abt 3-4 hours yesterday night and this afternoon practising his bowling (he still can't beat me heh) and tennis (okay, I got trashed by him!) when we were sleeping!

Not surprisingly, the boy enjoys the wii especially the bowling game! Actually, I really like that the games allow us to play and bond together as a family. Lotsa fun too although I guess we should play in moderation. Well, at least we still got out of the house this weekend..Aidan got to see Pikachu and friends at United Square and we also watched Shrek which he didn't exactly enjoy. Thankfully he still stayed put in his seat. He was better last week when hub brought him to watch Spiderman. Oh yes, no more sitting on our laps anymore. We now have to get a ticket especially for him *sigh*.

Helped out at my colleague's event on Fri evening..It was mypaper's first anniversary and they had a beach bash at Cafe Del Mar at Sentosa. Entertainment was in the form of artistes like Gary Cao, Soda Green,REAL Ah-Qin, Jonathan Leong, local band Tabula.. Hub and his friends came over too for the free booze and food!

lepaking with colleagues before the start of the event..

was put in charge of the sponsors' booth..had to be a 'mamasun',
making sure that the models were doing their job!

MCs Daniel Ong, May & Choy with Jon Leong

I didn't even know who he was..Since everyone was taking his pic, I thought I might as well do so..
Only realised later that he was Real AhQin from FIR

That's Choy I think..

one last pic with the models :) all so young and pretty~

With hub and his friends~
Tags: family, wii, work

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