Angelia (angeliatay) wrote,

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Yeah, am leaving for Japan tonight (plane departs at midnight) so this is gonna be one heck of a pic-heavy blog entry before I disappear for about 1 1/2 weeks!

Was actually down with a viral infection on Friday (had the chills and was running a fever of 38+ degrees) but couldn't use my MC as I had tons of work to finish up/handover. Thankfully, the meds were pretty effective and I felt much better on Saturday morning although my joint were still aching. We had to rush down to ICA to collect both Aidan's & hub's passport. Yeah, super last minute eh! We were there about 9am and there were tons of people there already and we had to wait for slightly more than 2 hrs for our number to be flashed..

Heh, check out Aidan's old & new passport pic!

Rushed back home coz Jean & Kenneth were dropping off Alison at our place as we were all heading to *Scape Park for the motocross beginner's workshop organised by TNP. Had always wanted to ride a motorbike and thought this was a great opportunity to do so. Yeah, our bikes weren't exactly scramblers..they were small, harmless looking pit bikes but boy, were they powerful!

Had loads of fun on the pit bike and wished I was able to ride more! One of the guys from Motorcycle Safety and Sports Club (the workshop was conducted by them) asked me whether I was a bike-racer(?) as I looked like I had experience racing (hiaks). Said he couldn't tell that it was my first time doing motocross. And hub said he heard a few of them commenting on my technique while I was zooming pass to-n-fro on the bike, that I was a 'natural motocross racer' (yah, my head quite inflated already). But I was actually warned not to throttle too much and slow down a li'..But shioks leh! I liked the feeling of going really fast. But my turning was a li' unsteady lah! Jean & Kenneth seemed to have enjoyed themselves too.. Hub is now asking me to take motorbike lessons with him..!!

Jean helping me with the smelly helmet! We all had smelly hair after that..

Can you see that I'm having fun?!

Jean's turn on the pit bike!

Kenneth (right) on the bike!

The bike looks too small for hub..

With Georgina, one of my colleagues!

Taking a break...

Another Charlie Angels pose :P

Maybe it wasn't that good an idea to attend the workshop 'coz I'm seriously aching now :P

jinsiewJin mentioned to me before that Aidan is actually quite good with small kids. When her li' girl, Kristen comes over to our place, the boy actually plays with her at her 'level'..He will bring out toys he thinks she will appreciate and seem to actually enjoy her company (well, that is when there is no one else to play with).

And I got to witness it today with Zoe..When he saw her, he quickly rushed into his room to look for a baby rattle (that belonged to my nephew Tyler) and so that she can play with it. When she grew bored with it, he then brought out some balls and started rolling it at her which delighted her immensely. And he actually entertained her for quite a while.. Am kinda amazed! I know, I know..everyone's been saying that I should get him a sibling (so pls don't ask that of me) :P
Aidan with li' Zoe :)

Aidan with Alison!

Hokay, I better go get some packing down! Weather looks pretty good in Japan, about 28 degrees! Ureshii wa!!
Tags: friends, holiday, motocross

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