Angelia (angeliatay) wrote,

Happy Birthday July Babes :)

I was making a comment at dinner with the galpals that people seemed to be blogging less now that they've started twittering (I miss reading my friends' blog entries!!) and kena suan-ed coz I haven't exactly been updating my blog much either. Yeah, have been really tardy but I've said this before..I'm usually more inspired to blog when I have pictures to post! The last entry was about weddings and this time round, it is all about birthdays! Loads of July babies including moi! birthday's around the corner and to be honest,I'm truly not looking forward to it. Okay, please please please..when the day comes, don't tell me that 40s is the new 20s 'cause that's totally bullshit! I'm not depressed or melancholic lah..just feeling old heh. I can no longer tell people that I'm in my 30s soon *sob*. Yah, I know age isn't everything...and plus that I don't look like a 40 year old auntie so I should be thankful and happy. Nenita was telling Aidan that my birthday was around the corner and he asked me how old I was. "Guess!" I said. "ONE HUNDRED YEARS OLD!!", he squealed. Kwa kwa....

Anyway, as I was saying...loads of birthdays in the month of July..Lemme try to name them all (those that I can remember lah)...triciaseowTricia, squarenailsPei Fen and her baby kristyseahKristy, am_klutzAndrea, vixette7Charlaine, & loads others who aren't on LJ like my younger bro Junior whose birthday is on the 21 July,old school pals, Audrey Lee & Anne Chia, Jonathan(Irene's SO), Alan, Martin etc..gah, way too many! Happy Birthday all of you younger folks (I'm still the oldest *sob*).

Enough with the birthday wishes & ranting hehe..Pics galore as usual. All taken during the weekend that passed! 3 birthdays celebration in total!

First up, li' Kristy's Alice in Wonderland birthday..I thought Aidan was gonna be the oldest kid there but thankfully, Claudia & Macy were there too so he had kakis. The mommy really pulled out all the works for her li' princess :)

Check out the birthday cake..made by mengchooMong!
Solid yah! She must have spent alot of time and love on it :)

heh..i was so tickled when i saw this :)

with proud mommy Pei Fen and Tracey..

The newlyweds who were surrounded by loads of babies and pregnant ladies that day :P
see Kristy wave :)

Group pic~~

Next birthday celeb was for Tricia and the party was held at BarNone over at St. James. I almost didn't make it coz I was soooooo tempted to sleep in since it was a wet and rainy night and my bed never looked more comfortable. But in the end, I did which was fortunate since the main photographer for that night forgot to bring his flash hehe..

Here's the birthday girl up on stage being serenaded by Aaron..I was so busy taking pictures that I didn't even hear the song being Aaron, I have no idea whether it was seksi or not but since everyone else said so...
(alamak, just realised my flash is a li' too powderful)

yeah, we'll supposed to look sultry/sexy here but...

hehehe..i like this pic of Elaine and the boys..

Tricia's harem :)

And last but definitely not least was Pei Fen's 27th whitewash party at St. Regis. Her compulsory dress code of ALL WHITE had most of us cussing & swearing since white, as u know it...isn't exactly the easiest color to carry off especially for us chabors who have 1)had a baby or 2 (or like Adele, 4) 2)are 30 & above. Anyway, only this chabor could get away with such a request because everyone really did turn up in white ensembles Some cheated lah but majority did follow the all white dress code. Took loads of pics and the best thing was..I didn't need to use the liquify tool at all hehe..

This croquembouche from the Pattisier was gorgeous..
Although it was supposed to be in white and silver to fit the theme..!

Pei Fen was actually thanking everyone for coming to the party and turning up in white in this pic..

with the supposed 'over 30' group

more 'white' peeps~

Candice took a pic of moi trying to take a nice group pic of the over 20+ girls in a small hotel suite..heh

We look like some Ladies PAP group yah..


All birthday pics can be found here :)
Tags: birthday

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    Man, this is probably my longest blogging hiatus to date. Been meaning to update but just never got around to doing it. But I guess Aidan's…

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  • Aidan's birthday bash :)

    Man, this is probably my longest blogging hiatus to date. Been meaning to update but just never got around to doing it. But I guess Aidan's…

  • si zhap liao~~ :)

    (tiara & boas were birthday gifts too) Hm, my birthday post made some people worried. Had several people asking me about it. Assured them that…

  • :]~

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